Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday's Favorite Fives hosted by Living to Tell The Story

1.  My husband and I had a movie night in bed this week.  It was so warm and cozy.  We watched an old
     World War II classic, "Mrs. Miniver."  We hadn't ever seen it before.  It was very good.  And it was
     quite fitting with the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor upon us this week.

2.  I have been having a very bad flare-up of my Acid Reflux this week.  No, that isn't one of my faves.
     What is a favorite, is that my husband came into the room where I was resting and laid his hands on
     me to pray for my healing.  I love that I have a godly husband.  I am so blessed!

3.  My kitchen window has never looked too good.  Yesterday I came home from work to find that my
     husband surprised me with a new look for my window.  He built this wood frame and shelf arount
     it.  I absolutely love it!  He got the wood right off our property that he cut and sanded himself.
     4.  After coming home from work yesterday I was very tired and still not feeling
          well.  I didn't have to worry about supper though.  I had some homemade soup
          in the freezer so just pulled that out and heated it up with some garlic bread.  I
          love keeping my freezer stocked.

5.    Tonight we are having a movie night with good friends of ours.  We are looking 
       forward to his homemade pizzas and a relaxing time.  We are also having a
       prayer time together before the movie.                              


Lisa notes... said...

Sounds like my kind of movie night. :-) Having a husband who prays for you is a HUGE blessing. My husband is getting better at it, but I usually still have to ask first. But that's okay.

Homemade pizzas, friends, prayer. A perfect night!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

A stocked freezer is an awesome thing! Both movie nights sound like fun -- with the hubby and with friends. I could use a little downtime about now...

Faith said...

The movie night with hubby is always a fave with me, too! and yay for nites with friends! i LOVE that D is a praying, godly man and thankful for my own praying husband.....we are blessed...who would have known when we were younger that we'd grow up to have such godly men?! so glad you are my sister on earth and sister in Christ!! oh...and it was good to see you this afternoon....Dave LOVES the "hovel" sign :)

Jerralea said...

Sounds like your hubby is a keeper. I love the shelf under your window!

Keeping a freezer stocked really does help out. Homemade soup is so comforting!

Hope you are feeling better!

Hope said...

Yes, Faith, we are both blessed! And thanks for the kind words. Glad you are my sister, too.

Jerralea - I am feeling much better today for the first time all week.

Susanne said...

Great looking window with that frame and shelf. What a nice surprise.

Hope you are feeling better this week.