Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday's Fave Five hosted by Living to Tell the Story

Every Friday I will be posting my five favourite things about the current week.  This is a fun thing hosted by the blog "Living to Tell the Story."  Here are my five faves from this week:

1.  I learned how to can apples and canned 12 quarts.  What a great feeling of accomplishment and

2.  We had some wonderfully warm weather on Tuesday, and I spent a great deal of time outside.  I
     raked   some leaves to put in the chicken coop later this winter.  The chickens will love digging
     through that this winter when there's nothing but snow outside.

3.  I decorated the house for Christmas!  I LOVE my Christmas village even more than having a tree. 
     And pulling all those decorations out is like meeting old friends again every year.

4.  I also got out my Christmas music and started playing it.  I often wonder why we only listen to it
     this time of year.

5.  Along the same lines, I baked Christmas cookies yesterday.  My husband enjoyed those last night.


Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Great five faves!! We decorated for Christmas already but getting our real tree this Sunday!!!

Lisa notes... said...

That's great that you learned how to can apples. My parents used to do that but I never learned.

I put up a set of Christmas carolers every year, and I love that as much as my tree too. Christmas decorations add so much color and warmth to a home.

Willow said...

I've been listening to Christmas music too although I haven't pulled any decorations except the Advent wreath out yet.

The canned apples sound like they'll be yummy later in the winter.

Faith said...

Great list of faves, Hope! sister is playing!! I started listening to my xmas music too and love it....i even listen to the cds in the car! lol....and our decorating is going on in full swing this weekend...although i might not put out everything i own this year....i want to go a bit simpler....just have way too much scaling's fun to decide what to use and what to set aside for the girls when they have their own place. You and D will have to come down and visit us soon!!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Sounds like an awesome week. We're all full of holiday preparations, aren't we? I love it!

Have a great week!

Susanne said...

You have been a very busy girl! I haven't even started the Christmas decorating or baking. Good for you.

My mom used to can crab apples and they were so good. She was the only one I ever knew that canned apples. I'm sure you will enjoy yours all winter long!