Monday, February 20, 2012

Help for Acid Reflux

I know I've mentioned before that I have acid reflux.  I take prescription medication daily, which I wish I didn't have to do.  I am still believing that some day I will be able to discontinue it.  I have read all I can about home remedies and natural alternatives to treat this bothersome disease.  Here is what I have learned:

1.  Keep apple slices with you and eat one when you have a flare-up of heartburn.  For some reason,
     apples aid in stopping heartburn.

2.  Take 1 tablespoon of honey twice a day.  This aids in the regrowth of tissue, and is especially
     important in repairing damage to your esophogus.

3.  Watch what you eat.  Avoid spicy and acidic foods.  Avoid chocolate, citrus fruit and juices,
     peppermint, garlic, onions, and tomato-based foods.  Limit coffee.

4.  Drink a glass of water after every meal.  Water keeps the sphincter (the little thing that the acid
     leaks  out of )  clean, which seals the stomach, keeping acid and gas out of the esophogus.

5.  Apple cider vinegar is supposed to be wonderful for acid reflux sufferers.  Don't use the typical
     kind that you find in the grocery store.  Buy raw apple cider vinegar, which contains the "mother"
     of vinegar.  You will see little pieces of something floating in the vinegar.  This is the "mother"
     which has wonderful properties in it.  I can't explain it.  I usually buy the Bragg brand.  Read all
     about the health benefits of apple cider vinegar here.  Apple cider vinegar helps you digest food
     more quickly and keep stomach acid in your stomach.  Add 1 oz to a glass of water and drink daily.
    You can add a tablespoon of honey if you want to make it sweeter.  I really don't mind the taste,
    though, and actually find it refreshing.

6.  Wear loose-fitting clothes.

7.  Eat smaller meals.

8.  Don't lie down immediately after eating. 

9.  Elevate your head at night.

10. Chew gum for half an hour when you feel that burning sensation.  Chewing gets the saliva
      flowing and helps wash the acid away naturally.

11. Take gingerroot in capsule form just after you eat.

12. There are a class of herbs called "bitters."   Three of these are genetian root, wormwood, and
      goldenseal.  You can take this is capsule form or liquid extract just before eating.

13. Avoid tobacco smoke - your own or someone else's .  It relaxes the sphincter and increases acid

14. Avoid fizzy drinks.

15. Some medications aggrevate heartburn, including antideprssants and sedatives.

So there you have it.  I haven't tried all of these.  But I swear by the apple cider vinegar drink.  As always, before you take any herbs, please check with your doctor first.


Faith said...

I'll add you to my prayer journal so I remember to pray healing for you! I have a friend with this and she claims drinking water WITH her meal helps too, not just after. She no longer drinks soda or oj either. I'll have to tell her about the apple cider vinegar. I use that to make my own salad viniagrettes. YUM!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Thanks HOpe!! Number 11 seems most odd hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I will definately try these!! I have to get my hands on raw honey. I just have to get to store in LF. thing I found to be the BEST for GERD is lack of a BRA : )

Hope said...

Thanks, Faith, for the prayers : ) Yes, Mel, no bra is great for gerd. It fits into the loose clothing thing.