Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Planting Time

It's that time of year again!!  Spring is in the air and I want to get my hands in the garden!  Actually, I get the "garden fever" during the dead of winter when I start getting the seed catalogues in the mail.  Two weeks ago I did my first planting.  I planted seeds in containers and have them in front of the French doors in the bedroom.  After only two weeks I already have several nice plants popping up.  Last year was the first year we started plants from seed indoors.  We bought the little seed cups and they quickly outgrew those.  This year, I decided to eliminate those little cups.  It not only saves money, it saves time.  I won't have to repot them when the plants get bigger.  We buy our milk in the gallon-sized plastic jugs.  I cut off the tops, cut slits in the bottom for water drainage, and it makes a wonderul container for my seeds.  I also had a bag of styrofoam cups that someone gave us but we don't use.  So, out they came.  I save coolwhip and sour cream containers to use for leftovers, so I also put some of those to use as planters.  I then placed them all in a plastic sled, which, by the way, got no use this year for lack of snow.  The sled serves to catch the water when it drains after watering the plants.  I planted 25 tomato and pepper plants.  Today I am doing 25 more.  Here is what I have so far:

                   "The Lord God planted a garden."  Genesis 2:8                                                           

1 comment:

Faith said...

you got quite a lot done!! Happy Planting!! I cannot WAIT To get some new flowers into the front flower bed...the guy at the garden center told me to wait though until first of May (for the kind of flowers I want...not hardy enough if it dips down to 32 again...which it might given NYS weather! :) ) enjoy the start of spring!!