Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday's Favorite Five's

It's hard to believe another week has flown by!  It was an uneventful week, but I did find five blessings. 

1.  I don't usually work on Mondays, but I did this past week.  I was kind of dreading it as I know that
     Mondays can be busy.  It turned out not to be so bad afterall.  It was an enjoyable day at work. 
     That is always a blessing!

2.  I dropped my digital camera last week and it broke.  I bought a really nice new one yesterday at a
    very reasonable price.  I am very grateful to have a camera again!

3.  We've  had some beautiful spring-like weather the past couple of days.  I spent some time outdoors
    today,  and it sure felt great!

4.  I planted seeds yesterday for 25 tomato and pepper plants.  I planted them in various containers,
    and they are all in front of the French doors waiting to sprout and be replanted outside in May.

5.  I made some blueberry muffins this afternoon from blueberries I had bought at a farmer's market
    last summer and kept frozen.  They sure taste like summer!


   Share your blessings from the past week by visiting Living to Tell the Story and linking up.

Have a great weekend everyone!



Faith said...

Oh YUM!!! i love homemade blueberry muffins with fresh (or fresh that were frozen!) berries..I can't wait until July when our local ones are ready! Yay for good work days and these spring like temps! That's good that you got your seeds in. I am thinking of doing herbs in deck pots again. Haven't done it since Claire was a preschooler! I just need to figure out a way to keep our bunny out of the pots! (we have a big bunny living under the deck!).
have a great weekend!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Those muffins look simply yummy. Sounds like you had a great week!

Gattina said...

Blueberry muffins are my favorites ! Last year my camera fell out of the car when I opened the door and of course broke ! Fortunately I could get the same one and cheaper !

Susanne said...

Kara with pictures of shortbread cookies and you with pictures of yummy blueberry muffins! You girls have me drooling. I'll have to get myself motivated to bake something today.

Isn't wonderful when a day turns out better than was expected? That is a blessing for sure!

Susan @ FruitfulWords said...

Your basket of blueberry muffins made me drool. Alright, I give in. I'll do some baking this weekend too. As I have blueberries in the freezer, that is what I'll make.

So industrious to sow your seeds and so many. That is a lot of plants. What a bountiful harvest you'll have.

Glad your Monday at work wasn't stressful. have a good weekend.

Annette Whipple said...

YUM! Taken with the new camera?? :) A great week of blessings indeed!

Willow said...

Hurray for getitng those tomato seeds planted. You are so far ahead of me. You have a great attitude about breaking your camera--getting a new one :)