Tuesday, September 18, 2012

More Lessons From a Chicken

Some of you may remember the story I told last summer of my favorite little chicken, Fifi, who was killed by a dog my husband and I were taking care of.  I was devestated and angry at God for letting it happen.  To refresh your memory, you can read about it here.  Well, we get new chicks once a year, so this past July, I got two day-old chicks the same breed as Fifi.  I named one Fifi and the other Phyllis, as they both have hairdos like Phyllis Diller.  As it turns out, I actually have bonded more with Phyllis.  She comes running when she hears my name and they both walk right up to me and let me pick them up.   I've been so happy that my other Fifi has finally been replaced. 

Last night, sadness struck the farmyard.  Around 4:00 in the afternoon , I realized it had been a while since I'd seen Phyllis.  My husband and I looked and looked for that little chicken, still quite small as she is only about 10 weeks old.  She was nowhere to be found.  As night came, I was hoping she would come back to the roost like they all do.  No Phyllis.  I couldn't believe I was experiencing the same thing as last year, the loss of a favorite chicken.  I could feel the anger at God starting.  I couldn't understand why this had to happen to a favorite again.  Of all the chickens, why a special one?  But the Lord spoke to me.  I heard Him telling me that here is a second chance to respond the right way this time, rather than getting angry at God and blaming Him for my loss.  I wanted to do the right thing and could only think of the verse from the book of Job that says,  "Though He slay me, yet will I praise Him."  I tried to praise Him, but my heart really wasn't in it too good.  I tried to believe that the chicken would come back, but I really didn't feel much hope.  We took our flashlights out after dark and searched EVERYWHERE.  I was so disappointed that I couldn't even read my Bible for comfort.  I still tried to praise the Lord, though.

This morning I really thought that I would find the chicken out by the coop, but it was not to be.  I found myself looking out the window for her expecting that the Lord would have her return safely.  Finally, I felt that I should  read something from God's Word.  I told the Lord that whatever chapter I opened up the Bible to, that is what I would read.  Well, it happened to fall open at Psalm 36.  Most of it really didn't apply to any of my situation.  Then I got to verses 5 - 7.    It reads "Your mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens.  Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.  Your righteousness is like the great mountains."  I thought, yes, He is faithful.  Even if He doesn't do things the way I think He should, His way is always best.   I continued reading.  "O Lord, you preserve man and beast."  I caught a glimmer of hope at this verse.  I thought, "Is the Lord trying to tell me that he will preserve this little animal for me?"  I clung to this hope.  Immediately I heard in my heart that it may not be today, but perhaps even months from now that chicken could reappear in our yard .  I looked out the window again but heard the Lord say, "Don't look for her. "  I continued praising the Lord, and finally my heart was in it.  Sometimes you have to do something you don't particularly feel like, and the feelings will come later.

The next verse reads "How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God!  Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings."  (as a chick does a mother hen)  I thought, "Yes, I will simply trust."

Later that morning I went out in the rain to collect eggs.  I wanted so badly to search the yard again, but kept hearing the Lord say  "Don't look for her."  I walked to the pond to see if it was filling with rainwater and wanted so badly to keep walking down the driveway in search of Phyllis.  But again I heard the words,  "Don't look for her."  I thought, "I will obey no matter how hard it is. I want to respond the right way this time!" 

I turned to go back to the house, and there in front of the porch was Phyllis looking completely drenched!  I could hardly believe my eyes.  Oh the steadfast love of God.  I don't deserve this I keep thinking.  Where has that bird been for the past 24 hours?  She literally appeared out of nowhere. 

My God is so good I can't hardly contain the joy.  What a wonderful lesson He allowed me to have.  And the chance to right a wrong from last summer.  How wonderful to trust and obey.

Are you facing something difficult?  Truly give it to God and leave it with Him.  Do what you feel He is telling you to.   Don't ignore Him.  Get into His Word even when you don't feel like it.  Sometimes you may have to wait a while, but He really will work everything out to His glory and for your good.  Put your trust in Him.   He won't let you down.


Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Oh Hope!! Thank you SO much for posting this. I needed this. What a wonderful blog post! Praise God

Hope said...

Aw.......love you Melanie : )

Faith said...

This was a great post, my dear sister!! seriously....we so often "get angry" at God when really, He just wants us to trust Him and has a plan for us no matter what! easier said than done sometimes!!! I don't get angry at God anymore but I sure do get impatient...that's MY sin area...UGH...again, it all comes down to TRUST! that is a great story about the hen....I'll have to share the spiritual aspects with Claire...she will love it! :)